How to prepare a Job Description in a Day Nursery

Podcast on how to undertake an absence review meeting with staff who are on long term sick

Job descriptions are used to describe a role within your setting and are used predominantly during the recruitment and selection process. Job descriptions also have a life after the recruitment process, they are useful during induction and probationary periods. Here is our podcast on how to prepare a job description in your early years setting, […]

How to deal with someone who isn’t talking during Supervision

Podcast on how to undertake an absence review meeting with staff who are on long term sick

Have you got a member of your Early Years team who won’t talk during their supervision meetings?  Could it be that they genuinely don’t have anything new to say or are they consciously not talking about any potential issues? Here is our podcast on some of the possible reasons and solutions to help you to […]

How to deal with moaning about the nursery in the staff room

Podcast on how to undertake an absence review meeting with staff who are on long term sick

It is normal for staff members not to see everything in a positive way, and it is healthy for them to express their differing opinions and challenge things that they don’t agree with.  However, this can sometimes become distracting and destructive, bringing down the moral of other staff members. Here is our podcast which describes […]

Why can’t they just get along? Dealing with bitching staff

For a Manager, when their team isn’t working together harmoniously it’s a constant worry.  You wonder what the next person who comes through your door is going to tell you; and you worry how you will react. Your heart wants to ‘bang some heads together’ but your head tells you that probably wouldn’t be the […]

Why Some People Want Their Money For Nothing

Its a Saturday morning, and in my head I have all the great intentions of being super productive today. Unfortunately my body feels otherwise. So I have settled down at my desk and I am listening to some music on Amazon Prime. On comes Dire Strait’s Money For Nothing. What a great title for a […]

Discipline for under performance?

Here’s a question posted on social media today that caught my eye. “If a staff member consistently wasn’t completing their paperwork for their key children and other tasks and there are always discussions with this member of staff about stuff not being completed or followed through, would any of you go down the disciplinary route? If […]